It's International Champagne Day!
K, so if you haven’t caught on to the theme of this week by now, I HONESTLY don’t know what to tell you. Champagne vs. Cava. A profile on the The Widow Cliquot. That was all leading up to today which is INTERNATIONAL CHAMPAGNE DAY!
That’s right. Get your sabers out. Bottles are being popped :: cue Ludacris song:: “All over the wooooorrrrld.” As if we needed more of a reason to drink some bubbly, this year is the 10th anniversary of International #ChampagneDay (OF COURSE there’s a hashtag. Do it for the ‘Gram!)
So how are you going to celebrate? You could go to an event (there are going to be tons of them). You could pop some bottles at home and have some friends over. You could watch some YouTube vids on how to properly saber a bottle without hurting yourself or breaking the glass.
However you decide to celebrate, just remember, have a glass for me.